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Chinese calligraphy japanese islamic leather brush art chinese characters alphabet calligraphy fonts islamic art calligraphy letters chinese art.

The History Of Calligraphy Alphabet
Calligraphy alphabet greatly transcends its simple definition of "beautiful handwriting." Throughout history kings and queens cherished it. Popes and potentates placed armies of scribes in its service. As an ancient art form, it has existed for 4,000 years as a window into the souls of many cultures.

Calligraphy Fonts Are More Than Handwriting
For the beholder, the beauty of calligraphy fonts lies in its graceful, flowing lines, creative design and, in some cases, inspiring color. The skilled calligrapher combines these in an imaginative way to impart mood and meaning. To the artist, calligraphy is an exercise of mind and body, first to choose the most expressive styling for a passage, then to bring the vision to life with pen, paper and persona. Although it is a highly disciplined exercise, or perhaps because it is, calligraphy is both physically and spiritually relaxing. Which is why we look so happy at Rainbow art name painting calligraphy alphabet whenever we are at work.

The Chinese Calligraphy Alphabet So Called Leather Brush Art
In the ancient Orient it was believed that having one's name painted in animals brought good luck. It was a tradition to give such a gift on special occasions like a new birth, a wedding, the acquisition of a new home, or just to say "I love you." Chinese calligraphers based their alphabet on Oriental symbols or leather brush art, representing such cultural images as dragons, mountains, birds, flowers and pandas. The ingenious Chinese calligraphers used the soft end of a bamboo shoot or called leather brush art to create their art on rice paper and silk. Chinese Calligraphy, or Shu, became so valued by the Chinese culture that it was made one of the four basic skills and disciplines of the literati, the others being Hua (painting), Qin (a stringed musical instrument) and Qi (a strategic board game). The Chinese calligraphy of the great master Wang was so treasured by the Emperor Tang Taizong, who had spent a lifetime collecting it, that he ordered the precious scrolls be buried with him when he died.

Japanese and Islamic Calligraphy spreads
Buddhism had made its way from India to China, where its scriptures were recorded in Chinese writing. As the religion spread further to Korea and Japan so did the influence of Chinese calligraphy. The Islamic world, too, was touched by calligraphy's growing influence. Chinese and Japanese Calligraphy made many converts, including the Emperors, when it began to filter into Japanese culture in the seventh century AD. By that time Chinese calligraphy had evolved into five major styles, which the Japanese dubbed tensho, reisho, kaisho, gyosho and sosho. These five schools are still studied by students of Chinese and Japanese calligraphy for their form and function. Various writing implements were added to the bamboo shoot or leather brush art. A piece of cane or reed was a favorite. A good pen was cherished. It could be handed on to the next generation, or even buried with the calligrapher on his passing. Brush calligraphy is an art unique to Asian cultures, where it has long been considered a treasure of their heritage. Even today some Japanese schools continue the tradition of holding a competition for budding brush calligraphers.

The west was won
In the west, monastic scribes picked up the pen from their Islamic brethren and developed regional Islamic calligraphy. They produced entire illustrated libraries by hand in projects that could span decades. Later, and far removed from monkish life, Picasso and Matisse both openly declared the influence of Chinese, Japanese, Islamic calligraphy on their work. Picasso went so far as to say that were he to start again in art, he would choose calligraphy over painting. Today, Chinese calligraphy, Japanese calligraphy and Islamic calligraphy is taught all over the world, including in many North American schools - but remember, students, it is a discipline, so it takes some patience to learn. Celebrations are still held to commemorate the literati and the ancient masters, while fine examples of contemporary Chinese and Japanese calligraphy can be found in art galleries and shopping malls.

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